Perspectives in Child Development
Perspectives in Child Development
- Compare relative merits and applications of different approaches of Human Development.
- Recognize that childhood is a period of socialization and how socialization practices affect development.
- Critically analyze developmental variations among children placed and exposed to different socio-cultural contexts.
- Appreciate the process of development with special focus on childhood and adolescence.
- Recognize adolescence as a period of transition and threshold of adulthood.
- Examine characteristics of adolescents and reflect on how their needs act as the genesis of certain unique problems.
- Illustrate different factors influencing child development and their applications to education.
- Examine different theories of development and their relevance to understanding the nature of a child.
Course Content
Unit 1: Approaches of Human Development
- Concept of Growth, Development, and Maturation.
- Principles of Development.
- Stages of Growth and Development (Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence).
- Dimensions of Growth and Development (Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language).
- Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Approaches to Understanding Development.
Unit 2: Theories of Development
- Cognitive Theory of Development (Piaget).
- Psycho-social Theory of Development (Erikson).
- Theory of Moral Development (Kohlberg).
- Theory of Psycho-sexual Development (Freud).
- Theory of Emotional Development (Goldstein).
Unit 3: Childhood as a Period of Socialization
- Characteristics of Childhood — Developmental Tasks.
- Child Development — Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional, Moral, and Language Development during Childhood.
- Child in Different Socio-cultural Contexts.
- Process of Socialization — Conflict Resolution and Social Development.
- Stages of Social Development — Isolated Play, Parallel Play, and Social Play.
Unit 4: Adolescence as a Period of Transition
- Characteristics and Needs in Adolescence.
- Genesis of Problems during Adolescence — Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, and Language Development.
- Adolescent Groups — Gangs.
- Mechanisms of Adjustment with Special Reference to Defense Mechanisms and Holistic Development.
- Leadership: Types of Leadership, Development of Leadership Qualities in Adolescents and their Educational Implications.
Unit 5: Individual Differences
- Dimensions of Individual Differences — Cognitive Abilities, Interests, Aptitude, Creativity, Personality, and Values.
- Theory of Multiple Intelligence (Gardner) — Implications for Understanding Differences in Children.
- Differences in Children Based on Learning Styles and Socio-cultural Context (Home Language and Instructional Language).
- Individual Differences Based on Cognitive Abilities — Learning Difficulties, Slow Learners, Intellectually Challenged, Intellectually Gifted.
- Fostering Creativity among Children.
- Visit a Balwadi Centre/NGO Centers for Orphans/Street Children Homes and Prepare a Detailed Report on the Care Taken by these Centers.
- Describe Cases:
- A child with any type of disability.
- A child from a disadvantaged section of society.
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