Moral development theory - Free Education

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Moral development theory

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development


Lawrence Kohlberg (1927–1987) was an American psychologist best known for his Theory of Stages of Moral Development.

He believed that morality develops gradually throughout childhood and adolescence. His study involved presenting moral dilemmas, such as the famous Heinz Dilemma.

Key Concept: Moral Development

Moral development refers to the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and react to situations based on ethical considerations.

Heinz Dilemma: A Case Study

The Story:

Heinz’s wife is dying from cancer. A druggist has a life-saving drug but charges $2000, far beyond Heinz's means. After failing to gather enough money, Heinz considers stealing the drug to save his wife. Should Heinz steal the drug?

Instead of focusing on the answer, Kohlberg examined the reasoning behind the responses to determine levels of moral development.

Levels and Stages of Moral Development

1. Preconventional Level (Premoral Level)

Focus: Moral reasoning is based on personal consequences (avoiding punishment or gaining rewards).

Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation

Description: Rules are obeyed to avoid punishment.

Example: "I won’t cheat in the test because the teacher will punish me."

Heinz Dilemma: "Heinz shouldn’t steal the drug because he’ll be jailed."

Stage 2: Instrumental-Exchange Orientation (Tit-for-Tat Stage)

Description: Decisions are based on self-interest and reciprocal benefits.

Example: "I’ll help my friend with homework so they’ll share their toys with me."

Heinz Dilemma: "Heinz should steal the drug because his wife will take care of him later."

2. Conventional Level

Focus: Moral reasoning is guided by social rules, approval from others, and maintaining law and order.

Stage 3: Good-Boy/Nice-Girl Orientation

Description: Actions are driven by a desire to gain social approval.

Example: "I’ll apologize to my friend because I want them to like me."

Heinz Dilemma: "Heinz should steal the drug because he is a good husband who loves his wife."

Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation

Description: Laws and social systems are upheld to maintain order.

Example: "I won’t litter because it’s against the rules."

Heinz Dilemma: "Heinz shouldn’t steal the drug because stealing is illegal."

3. Postconventional Level

Focus: Moral reasoning is based on abstract principles and personal ethics rather than societal norms.

Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation

Description: Rules are followed if they align with justice and benefit the majority.

Example: "I’ll protest against unfair laws because justice is more important than the law."

Heinz Dilemma: "Heinz should steal the drug because saving a life is more important than property laws."

Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles Orientation

Description: Decisions are guided by conscience and universal ethical principles like justice, equality, and human rights.

Example: "I’ll stand up for equal rights, even if it’s unpopular or illegal."

Heinz Dilemma: "Heinz should steal the drug because saving a life is an ethical duty, regardless of the law."

Educational Implications

1. Use moral dilemmas in teaching to encourage ethical reasoning.

2. Foster empathy by helping students understand different perspectives.

3. Provide opportunities for students to make and justify ethical decisions.

4. Align teaching methods with students’ moral development stages.

5. Model ethical behavior like honesty and fairness.


Kohlberg’s theory provides a structured understanding of how moral reasoning evolves. By analyzing reasoning, educators and parents can guide children in developing strong ethical foundations based on justice and universal values.

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