TYPES OF CONTROL - Free Education
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Sunday 8 September 2024


School Management Control Systems

School Management Control Systems

Based on Authority:

1. Internal Control

Narration: Internal control is managed by the head of the institution, who may be guided by the managing committee. This type of control is internal to the institution.

Example: The principal of a school decides on the curriculum and teaching methods, with input from the school's managing committee.

2. External Control

Narration: External control is executed by state authorities because education is a state subject. The state government is responsible for overseeing the management of education.

Example: The state education department mandates standardized testing for all schools to ensure educational standards are met.

Based on Focus or Subject Matter:

1. Feed Forward Controls

Narration: These controls focus on human, material, and financial resources within the institution.

Example: A school plans its budget for the upcoming year, ensuring there are enough funds for new textbooks and teacher training programs.

2. Concurrent Controls

Narration: These controls rely on performance standards, rules, and regulations to guide employee tasks and behavior.

Example: Teachers are required to follow a specific lesson plan and adhere to classroom management policies during the school year.

3. Feedback Controls

Narration: These controls involve reviewing information to determine whether performance meets established standards.

Example: At the end of the semester, student performance is evaluated through exams and assignments to ensure learning objectives are met.

Based on What is Monitored:

1. Outcome Controls

Narration: These controls are generally preferable when one or two performance measures are good gauges of educational health. They are effective when there is little external interference between decision-making and performance.

Example: A school uses graduation rates and standardized test scores to assess its overall performance.

2. Behavioral Controls

Narration: These controls involve the direct evaluation of the head and subordinates' decision-making. They tie rewards to a broader range of criteria, such as those identified in the balanced scorecard.

Example: Teachers receive bonuses based on their students' improvement in test scores, classroom behavior, and participation in extracurricular activities.

Major Types:

1. Strategic Control

Narration: Strategic control is concerned with tracking the strategy as it is being implemented, detecting any problem areas or potential problem areas suggesting that the strategy is incorrect, and making any necessary adjustments. These controls allow us to step back and look at the big picture and make sure all the pieces of the picture are correctly aligned.

Example: A school district reviews its long-term goals for improving literacy rates and adjusts its strategies based on the latest educational research and student performance data.

2. Operational Control

Narration: Operational control is concerned with executing the strategy within the framework established by the strategy. These include returns as productivity and its quality. These are essentially summations of finer-grained control measures.

Example: A school monitors daily attendance and classroom activities to ensure that teaching methods are effective and students are engaged.

© 2024 School Management Systems

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