SCHOOL RECORDS - Free Education

Tuesday 3 September 2024


Maintaining School Records

Maintaining School Records

Different types of records and registers are maintained in schools to ensure smooth management, accountability, and compliance with regulations. Below are some key types of records and registers:

1. Teacher Diary

Purpose: A personal record maintained by teachers to plan daily lessons, activities, and evaluate their teaching.


  • Daily lesson plans.
  • Notes on student progress and feedback.
  • Reflections on teaching methods and strategies.
Example: A teacher's diary may include a lesson plan for a mathematics class on fractions, detailing the objectives, teaching aids, activities, and evaluation methods for that day.

2. Cumulative Record Card (CRC)

Purpose: A comprehensive record of a student's academic performance, attendance, behavior, and extracurricular activities throughout their school life.


  • Personal details (name, date of birth, parent details).
  • Academic progress (grades, test scores).
  • Attendance and conduct.
  • Participation in extracurricular activities.
Example: A CRC may show a student's academic grades from Grade 1 to Grade 10, attendance records, participation in sports, and remarks from teachers about behavior.

3. Attendance Registers of Teachers

Purpose: To maintain daily records of teachers’ attendance for administrative purposes, payroll, and leave management.


  • Names of teachers.
  • Date-wise attendance marking (present, absent, leave).
  • Signature or initial of the teacher.
Example: An attendance register may show that Teacher A was present on most days in March, while Teacher B was on leave for three days.

4. Attendance Registers of Students

Purpose: To track the daily attendance of students in each class to ensure regularity and punctuality.


  • Names of students.
  • Date-wise attendance status (present, absent, sick, leave).
  • Monthly summary and percentage of attendance.
Example: An attendance register may indicate that Student X was absent on 3rd March and was marked "Sick" on 15th March.

5. Admission & Withdrawal Register

Purpose: To maintain records of students' admission and withdrawal, including personal information and dates.


  • Student details (name, date of birth, parent's information).
  • Admission number and date.
  • Withdrawal date and reason for leaving.
  • Signature of parent/guardian.
Example: The register might show that Student Y was admitted to Class 3 on 5th April 2023 and withdrew from the school on 15th March 2024 to transfer to another city.

6. Stock Register

Purpose: To keep an inventory of school property, including furniture, equipment, books, and other educational materials.


  • List of items (e.g., chairs, desks, computers).
  • Quantity and date of purchase.
  • Condition and disposal details.
  • Signature of the stock in-charge.
Example: The stock register may indicate that 20 new chairs were added to the library on 10th January 2024 and 5 old computers were disposed of on 20th February 2024.

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