Levels of school management - Free Education
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Thursday 13 June 2024

Levels of school management


Levels of school management

In every country population displays several diversities besides units in them. Same is the case of India. It is natural in this country to take along different religions and cultures, so this diversity should be exhibited in all complexities in its educational management too. Every country has its own history.

 We can see the effect of British educational system management even today on our educational management system.

Generally we can see three levels of educational management – central level, state level and local level. These three levels of educational management can be generally seen in all democratic

Countries. These three levels are very important from effective management and administrative viewpoint. Let us discuss briefly each of them separately.

Central level management:

Central educational management is found in all countries in more or less degree, but with the basic emphasis on control. 

The communist countries have made it the chief basis of management; on the other hand, in democratic countries, where decentralization is the norm, the states, local units and even individuals contribute in management.

It is well known that until the arrival of the British in the medieval times, education was imparted at individual level. Several king and rulers provided for education in their own way. 

The countries administration came under the central control from the British period. So, the beginning of central educational management started from this time.

There are constitutional provisions which empower the union and states to provide for education according to their needs in mutual coordination; at the same time they provide suitable control and responsibilities of specific fields on the union government. Though, the position of states is somewhat weaker in view of the union guidance and financial grants, etc., while the position of the union is somewhat stronger in these respects.

At first level prime minister of the countries is head of all departments, same is the case of educational management. At central level education department is an important part of human resource development ministry. It has been kept under the charge of a minister of state. This ministry functions under the MHRD. The secretary is the highest officer of its secretariat, who is assisted by the Special Secretary (higher education), Additional Secretary and Education Advisor (technical).

In order to carryout various functions of human resource development ministry, several councils have been formed. It would be pertinent to mention here that in addition to central advisory education council, all other councils were formed after 1949. At present following councils/Apex bodies at central level are functioning for educational management:

Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE).

Universities Grant Commission (UGC).

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA).

 National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).

 National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).

 Central Social Welfare Council.

All India Council for Technical Education. (AICTE).


State level management:

Today educational management is virtually a joint responsibility of both the union and the states. Though the states carry the responsibilities of education wholly in their respective territories, whether it is basic education or education carried out by Municipal Corporation. In higher education too, the states bear its expenses.

At the state level, the Governor is the Constitutional Head. He advises in the state administration. The head of the Council of Ministers is the chief minister. There is a separate ministry for education department. These ministers determine education policies for the state through state secretariat. They are responsible for executing the policies as determined by the Legislative Assembly. There are state education directors and secretaries of education who is highest education officer in the state. There are supporting deputy directors, district education officers (CEO’s, ZEO’s, etc.).

Under state government there are different apex bodies functioning for the educational management which are as follows:

School Education Directorate.

Department of Higher Education.

State Board of School Education.

State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT).

State institutions of training (SIE’s)

Local level management:

Imparting education by local bodies according to local needs is an important feature. Therefore, in several progressive countries especially in democratic countries, local bodies are playing an important role. Following arguments are put forward for educational administration and arrangement by these bodies:

(i) The Government can’t arrange for effective education for the whole state. Only local bodies are in a position that they gather local resources to make arrangements for education as per local needs.

(ii) Due to proximity with local community, they are more capable of solving local educational problems.

(iii) They can also tackle administrative problems of the school immediately and effectively.

(iv) Educational supervision can be done by them conveniently.

(v) Careful watch can be conducted for educational reforms.

(vi) Funds can be collected rather easily for carrying out some responsibilities of school development, construction of new buildings, purchase of aids, mid-day meals for students etc.


These bodies are also blamed for some reasons in mismanagement of education:

(i) These agencies are not able to give full pay and other facilities to teacher due to financial insufficiency.

(ii) The teachers are dissatisfied due to local groupism in local management and individual loyalty, which has adverse impact on the quality of education.

(iii) Because the management doesn’t comprise of educated people, administrative inefficiency pervades.

(iv) The teachers are employed in several non-teaching jobs, besides educational tasks which is not proper.


The management of local bodies and institutions is divided into Zila Parishad or Zila Board and Block/Panchayat Samitis, Gram Panchayat, or Zonal Education Officers, Village Education Committees (VEC’s) and heads of institutions. These perform their respective responsibilities for proper functioning of educational system. Zila Parishad is the highest level from the viewpoint of educational management in rural areas. Zila Parishad exists in shape of district education officers in some states of India. Then comes below them Zonal Education Officer who is responsible for educational management of a particular zone. There are heads of institution who are accountable for their respective institutions. There is provision of VEC’s to support the proper school management.

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