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Thursday 23 May 2024




Today's schools and social expectations for knowledge transfer have improved due to the ongoing advancements in science and information. Schools are now run by teams of specialized teachers rather than just one teacher, who work under a principal, who is a specialized management. 

The school is actually an institution that trains the next generation to meet the problems of the future while adhering to the cultural and educational goals of the society.

What is Management ?

Management means to run, handle an control the system. It is organized body or system which makes proper use of available resources for better results. It therefore, works on the input-output principle. 

The management is a combination of persons, material, ideas and principles or rules. The management means the practical steps which are taken for carrying on the system of work for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the organization. 

Management is that invisible master that leads us to right path where best of efforts can be put in for best of results. Management is inherent in the very basic frame of life and principle of living.



Ø Koonfz: “Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized group, the art of creating an environment in such an organized group where people can perform as individual and cooperate towards attainment of group gorals, the art of optimizing efficiency in effectively reaching goals.”

Ø Fayal : “ To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control”.

Ø F.W.Taylor : “It is the art of knowing what you want to do in the best and cheapest way”.

Ø Dash and Dash: “Primary force within any organization which coordinates the activities of various systems in relation to its objectives”.

Ø S. George : “Management consist of getting things done through others”.

Ø Peter. F. Ducker : “it is work and as such it has its own skills, its own tools and its own techniques”.

Ø Ross Moore : “Management means decision making”.

Ø John. F. Mee : “It may be defined as the art of securing maximum prosperity with minimum effort”.

Ø M. C. Gragon : “ Management is responsible for organizing elements of productive enterprise – Money, materials, equipment and people in the interest of economic ends”. 

School management

Ø   School management is the process of overseeing all activities within an educational institution in order to ensure effective operation and achievement of educational goals.


Ø   It involves the coordination of teachers, staff, students, resources, and facilities to create a positive learning environment.


Ø   School management encompasses various functions such as planning, organizing, directing, evaluating, and controlling school activities.


Ø   It aims to promote the academic success of students, the professional growth of teachers, and the overall development of the school community.


Ø   School management also involves making strategic decisions, setting goals, and implementing policies to enhance the quality of education provided.


Ø   Effective school management requires strong leadership, communication skills, relationship-building, and decision-making abilities.

Ø School management is therefore, placing right person at the right place in the manner that the real purpose of development of many sided personalities of child is achieved in accordance with school ideals.

Ø   All educational schemes, programmes and practices are carried on through the school management.

Ø   It is therefore, defined as a science of managing human and material equipment which comprises of five M’s i.e, Men, Money, Material, Machinery and Methods.

Ø   Thus the school management has to deal with the important elements, viz: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting, without which no education progress can be achieved.


Ø   The ultimate goal of school management is to ensure that students receive a high-quality education and are prepared for future success.

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