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Sunday 17 September 2023




Teaching is to communicate an idea.

There are three important parts of a communication

a) sender of information

b) message/information

c) Receiver.

In teaching process it is important to generate student’s interest. If interest is build properly, the learning process can take place effectively.

For this purpose use of teaching material is important as they have the potentials to arouse interest in teaching-learning process.

Richard (1981), in his study found that a normal human being remembers 10% of what they read, 50% of what they saw and heard, above 70% of what they heard, seen and done.

 An old Chinese proverb also explains the same view:

I hear and forget.

I see and remember

I do and I understand.

 It seems important that for better teaching process, a teacher should arrange different aids with the help of which he should make learning easy, enjoyable and stable.

As Goethe said “knowing is not enough we must apply, willing is not enough we must do.”

Teaching aids

Teaching aids are tool and equipment used in teaching as a supplement in class room instruction to enhance the interest of students. Teaching materials are important catalysts of effective instructions.

In the present age of sciences and technology, the process of teaching and learning also depends on the latest technology. Teaching becomes interesting when a teacher uses different teaching materials because it directly involves student in the teaching- learning process.

It makes lessons enjoyable and memorable. Teaching materials are key factor in creating effective teaching and learning environments. These aids directly address to the five senses so the chances of forgetting become less and process of learning becomes more effective.

Type of Teaching Aids

There are many different types of teaching aids that can be used in class.

Visual: Visual aids use sense of vision. 

It includes actual objects, charts, maps, flash cards, pictures, flannel board, white board, flip charts, models etc.

Audio: Audio aids are common teaching tool which include classroom stereo system, individual head sets, radio etc. 

In languages class, teachers use recordings to demonstrate how the language is spoken. 

It is used as a recreational activity. It involves the sense of hearing.

Audio Visual: These aids can have a great impact on teaching. It involves the sense of vision as well as hearing. Audio Video aids are multi sensory materials. 

They can be produced, distributed and used as planned components of education program. Teachers can use instructional or documentary video to enhance specific subject or topic. 

It usually require television, digital video player, projection, film strips etc.

Importance of teaching aids

Teaching is a social activity and it is not possible to teach students without taking part in this process. A teacher and a student both should involve in this activity to perform better. Teaching aids are very important instruments in teaching process which can involve both of them.

1. Teaching aids make lessons more enjoyable, clear and comprehensible for students. They can be used at all levels of learning process to enrich vocabulary and knowledge.

2. Teaching aids for second language motivates the students so that they can learn a language easily without having any difficulty.

3. Teaching aids are effective to increase student’s memory. What they learn with the help of these aids imprints in their mind. It also makes their learning permanent. Supportive teaching materials provide advantages to remember the second language better.

 4. Teaching aids can facilitate the better understanding of the subject which discourages the act of confusion. It makes the subject and every aspect of lesson very clear and makes them successful in learning second language process.

5. Activities used during the teaching of language make their learning process like a game and students enjoy the learning process. The more use of supportive materials increase the learning activities and chances of success.

6. Use of teaching aid is absolutely effective because it make the whole process simple, productive and enrich the learning activities.

8. These aids also provide a natural learning atmosphere and help them to actively involve in the learning, teaching and experiencing process.

 9. Use of teaching aids in the class, can heighten students desire of learning. All the students participate in the learning process vividly. It enables the students to express their concepts effectively.

10. Teaching aids make the class room live and active and avoid dullness because of involvement of every student. It provides direct experience to the students.

 11. Use of proper teaching aids, saves lots of time and money also. It saves time from long and boring explanatory class and helps the students to understand the complex subjects easily.

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