Types of Language Tests - Free Education
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Saturday 8 July 2023

Types of Language Tests


Types of Language Tests

the broad purpose of language testing is to evaluate the success or otherwise of a language teaching programme.

Testing acts as a sequel to the classroom teaching.

It provides information about the outcomes and necessary feedback for both teaching and learning.

Learners can be tested before, during, and/or, after undertaking a teaching programme. On this basis, language tests can be divided into the following types:

Ø Placement/Entrance Test: - This type of test is carried out to select students for certain language teaching programme in educational institutions at any level. 

In this type of test, students are sorted out in groups with the purpose in mind that they can start a course at approximately the same level as the other students in the class. 

This type of test aims at assessing all the four skills of language—Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening.

Examples in India are TEOFL and British Council etc. Almost all the universities in India conduct entrance tests.

Ø Aptitude Test: - This type of test aims to measure ability in respect of some specific role or task. It is designed to assess suitability or otherwise of a candidate for a special course as different people have different aptitudes for a variety of skills and disciplines. This kind of a test helps to check how much capable a person is in taking up a specific role, task or course.

Ø Diagnostic Test: - A Diagnostic Test identifies or diagnoses strengths and weaknesses of students during a course.

Its main aim is to check how much the students have learnt particular material in a particular duration of a course.

Like a doctor, a teacher must diagnose students’ weaknesses and the defects of his own teaching, if any. Consequently, a teacher should come up with appropriate remedial measures. It has been found that teacher-made tests in the classroom provide good help to plug weaknesses.

Ø Achievement Test: - This type of test is also called Summative or Attainment Test.

It is conducted at the end of a course or teaching programme to comprehensively evaluate the overall progress and competence level of students.

It is more formal in operation and is closely tied to a particular course, for instance, Mid-term, Bi-annual or Annual.

It is aimed to cover the whole prescribed syllabus of the course. As such, it is economically more demanding and involves a lot of preparation, man power and resources.

Ø Proficiency Test: This type of test is not tied to any particular syllabus or curriculum.

This tests aims at checking the learners’ ability to communicate in the future actual events of life.

Through this test, the students must show that they possess necessary competence in using language (Language Competence) appropriately in any and all situations. They should be able to create meanings by exploring the potential inherent in any language. This type of test is informal in operation and tries to assess the competence of learners in using language in social settings, situations and contexts.

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