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Monday, 10 April 2023



The sense of hearing provides a background, which gives a feeling of security participation in life. It plays a critical role in the development of speech and language and in monitoring one’s speech.


Hearing is the ability to perceive sound; a person suffering from hearing impairment has difficulty in perceiving or identifying sound clearly due to auditory problems. Hearing impairment refers to a defect in or damage to the hearing mechanism. This damage or defects occur in any part of ear, out ear or the middle ear, or the inner ear.

Hearing impairment leads to hearing loss.

Hearing disability or hearing loss may range in severity from mild to moderate to profound. A person may become deaf or hard of hearing depending upon the nature of impairment and the degree of hearing loss. A child may be born with some impairment in the hearing mechanism or the impairment may occur after birth due to infection disease and obstruction or damage due to accident


According to Brill (1986) defined as, “a generic term indicating a hearing disability which may range from mild to profound”.

According to U.S.A public law “deaf means a hearing impairment, which is so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing with or without amplification which adversely affects his educational performances.”



Types of Hearing Impairment.

Based on the degree of hearing loss:

1. Deaf

2. Hard of Hearing

Hearing impairment is classified into five sub groups, depending upon the degree the hearing loss, hearing loss is measured in decibels (dB).


Type of impairment

dB  (%)














Near total deafness



Total deafness

No hearing


Types Based On Age of Onset.

Congenitally Deaf: Is one who is born with impaired hearing such a child has not heard any sound or speech.

Adventitiously Deaf: is one who is born with normal hearing. He has acquired speech, but later has lost hearing ability due to infection, disease or some damage to the haring mechanism.

Types Based On Language Experience

Pre-lingual deaf: Is one who is born with little or no hearing. He has suffered the loss of hearing early in infancy before speech and language are acquired.

Post-Lingual deaf: are those who had language exposure for some time but later they became deaf owing to environmental factors.

Types Based On Location of Problem

Conducive loss: If the hearing problem is located in the outer ear and the middle ear.

Sensory neural loss: If the problem arises out of the defects in the inner ear. It is called sensory neural loss.

Mixed loss: It is the combination of conducive loss & sensory neural loss.


1.    Observable deformity of the ear.

2.    Discharge from the ear.

3.    Frequent pain in the ear.

4.    Scratching the ear frequently

5.    Asking for repetition of instruction.

6.    Turning the head frequently towards speaker.

7.    Inability to follow instruction.

8        Focusing on the speakers face while listening to him, restless and inattention.

9       Asking for help from peers for taking notes in the class room.

Causes of Hearing Impairment;

1.    Hereditary factor.

2.    Environmental factor.

Hereditary Factor

Genetic Cause: the child may inherit the genes and chromosomes related with hearing impairment at the time of conception. E.g., Down’s syndrome.

Blood types incompatibility: E.g., Rh – ve mother carrying Rh +ve foetus, every chance that survived child will have high frequency of hearing loss.

Environmental factors:

Uncongenial environment: The body has unavailable environment in the womb of mother.

a. Physical and mental health of mother.

b. Her food habits

c. Malnutrition and starvation

d. Chronic diseases, addiction to drugs, intoxicating substances, poisoning, exposure of

radioactive elements.

e. Rubella infection.

f. Meningitis


Since these children needs some educational provisions, special arrangements can be made to fulfill their needs. Some educational facilities arise

Selection of hearing aid

·       The hearing aid is very essential for learning impaired children for their further training and education, it has been proved effective. But hearing aid should be selected according to degree of hearing loss.

Emphasize on vocational training by situating in residential school

·       Different experts have laid emphasis on the vocational training of hearing impaired children. These children can be more benefited in residential type of schools.

Teaching of sign language

·       Sign language should be taught. Comprehensive of various speeches, sounds is possible through training. Through auditory training, the child can differentiate one voice from the other. Lip reading, speech development and testing of hearing educational diagnosis.

Proper sitting arrangement

·       The hearing impaired children in the class should be made to sit on the front benches. Accordingly sitting arrangements should be made.

.The sense of hearing provides a background, which gives a feeling of security participation in life. It plays a critical role in the development of speech and language and in monitoring one’s speech.

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