Identification of Hearing And Speech disability - Free Education

Friday 2 September 2022

Identification of Hearing And Speech disability






(a) Malformation of the ear.

(b) Discharge from ear.

(c) Pain in ear.

(d) Irritation in ear.


(e) Trying to listen from a closer distance.


(f) Ask for the instructions repeatedly.


(g) Not able to write properly.


(h) Trying to listen to the echo reflection rather than to the speaker.



(i) Make errors while copying from blackboard.


(j) Frequently ask a colleague to show his workbook.


(k) Problems in paying attention in the class.


(l) Favour one ear for listening purposes.


(m) Problems when anyone speaks from behind.


(n) Child speaks loudly or too softly.


(o) Exhibit voice problem and mispronunciation.


(p) Tune the TV/Radio too loud.


(q) Irrelevant answers.


(r) The child keeps away from his age mates.


(s) The child is unable to respond when called from the


other room.


(t) The child understands only after few repetitions.





If any 3 to 4 of the conditions are present,  it indicates some kind of Hearing/speech loss.

 Then the child should be carefully examined by a qualified ENT specialist an audiologist, and also by a speech therapist for complete evaluation.

In case the child is below 4-5 years, a psychologist should also be consulted to identify and address any associated psychological problems which may not be overtly evident.




 (a) Inappropriate sounds in speech.

(b) Stammering.

(c) Baby speech.

(d) Inability to learn correct sound, and use incorrect speech.

(e) Incomprehensible speech.


 Conduct a camp of health camp focusing problem related to speech.

Observe the problem of speech and consult the required specialist.

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