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Monday 9 May 2022




In school, during the school hours, the students undergo various institutional

environments. During this time the students behave differently. 

Observation is useful in evaluating students‘ behavior in different situations. In English we use the phrases to see and to observe. To see means to study the external features of the body whereas to observe. To see means to study the external body feature along with the internal features. This process of observation is simple as far as it is concerned with the gathering of information about the behavior and personality of the students.

Observation helps the observer to observe the activities of students, class-behaviour, and hence ascertain the emotional development, mental development and maturity etc. 

During observation care should be taken that the person who is observed is unaware that he is being observed. 

Thus the observation should be out of the knowledge of person. Further care should be taken that the behavior which is to be observed should be pre-decided. 

At a time one person and one characteristic should be observed. Observation can be direct or indirect, controlled or

uncontrolled, known or unknown.

Types of Observation

Observations can be categorized as controlled observation and uncontrolled.

Controlled observation

·        The observation done in the laboratory is called controlled observation.

·        Controlled observation means the observation is done with the knowledge of the person means that the person who is being observed is aware that he or she is being observed by the observer.

·        Controlled observation thus means conscious observation. Uncontrolled observation means taking observation without the knowledge of person.

Uncontrolled Observation

Uncontrolled observation is thus conducted in a natural situation or  condition.





Steps of Observation

Following are the steps for observation:



Recording and interpretation


The characteristic, topic or the thing to be observed is decided in this stage. Whether it is group observation or personal observation, when and how many times the observation would be done, the tools useful for recording the observation etc. is also decided here. The specific type of training, if necessary for observer, is provided. These training are useful during interpretation.

Who will be doing observation or the observer is also pre decided.


The arrangement for observation is done. The necessary arrangement for the observation as such the natural or artificial arrangement is done. Then after that environment of that opportunity is given so that the person is motivated to behave in some manner and that behavior is observed. Moreover the type of observation, its time and place for observation is also decided.

Recording and Interpretation

If the tools or instruments are ready then observation turns a fast process. The

Observation or the recording is herby evaluated and interpreted.

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