Summative Assessment - Free Education

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment 

Summative Assessment (SA) is given to the students after he or she has passed all the formative assessments. The effectiveness of teaching and instruction is evaluated on the basis of student‘s performance.

SA comes at the end of course.

 SA is done at the end of instruction to measure at what extend the students have attained their achievement.

SA is concerned with the learning outcomes in the teaching-learning process. The results are statistically analyzed and interpreted.

SA involves the final tests or the annual examinations that declare a student‘s promotion to the next higher class or detention in the same class.

 A summative evaluator gathers information and judges the merit of overall instructional sequence to retain or adapt that sequence.

Teachers adopt the role students assume the roles to make final decisions about instructional activities.

The formative and summative assessments are complimentary to each other in teaching-learning

Characteristics of Summative Assessment

 It is descriptive analysis.

 This focus mainly on analysis.

It tends to stress the effects.

It also provides the appropriateness of course and effect of instruction.


The instructional programme in formative assessment is still following but in summative

Assessment is not following in most of cases.

The formative assessment is to develop not for judgments in nature as the summative assessment judges the merit of instructional sequences.

 Formative assessment is the assessment made during the instructional phase about progress in learning but the summative assessment is the terminal assessment of performance at the end of instruction.

Formative assessment the scores of individual pattern of pass-fail whereas in summative assessment report is given in terms of total scores.

 Formative assessment content focus is detailed and it is narrow and in summative assessment content is general and broad.

In formative assessment process is given in daily assignments in observation method but in summative assessment process in projects and test.

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