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Tuesday 3 December 2019



Existentialism is a philosophy that focuses on the existence of mankind. Etymologically, the word existence is derived from the Latin word “existere which means “to stand out.”
It deals with certain questions like- 
Why I am here?
Why do I exist?
What is the purpose in my life?
What is my essence?
(existence precedes essence)

Existentialism suggests that individuals have to take responsibility of his own actions and their own destinies where choice is vital and inevitable to human existence.
Chief exponents of existentialism are –Soren Kierkgaard (FATHER OF EXISTENTIALISM)
                                                                        Fridedrich Nietzsche
                                                                        Jean Paul Sartre
Existentialism and Aim Of Education
1.     Emphasis on self Realization.
The existence of  individuality is the fact that man should get an opportunity for self realization .
2.     Imparting knowledge .
It aims at imparting knowing to individual as it believes that education helps an individual to make him/her good human.
3.     Providing freedom and individual responsibility.
It insists on the individual choice or interest because the life experienced by human today is full of business. There is no time for him/her to execute his individual responsibility. so it is  focused on freedom and individual responsibility.
4.     Foster  growth of uniqueness.
This should be the primary aim of education because existentialists are not interested  in universal aim.
5.     Keep free from worries and frustrations.
the feeling  weakness and insecurity in modern world is a common problem i.e full of anxieties ,worries ,frustrations .these may be removed the quality of individuality .so it focuses in keeping free the human from worries and frustration.
Subjects like science ,humanities ,moral and religious education are specially emphasized in it. But all these subjects should be according to the nature of the child individual interests.
Method of teaching
The most favored methods are

 Socratic Method, 
Discussion Method,

Intuition Method, Individualized Method,
Informal Method .
 Role Of Teacher
 Teacher plays an prominent role in existentialism.
                                 i.            He is  the creator of such educational situation where the students can establish contact with self .
                               ii.            Teacher should sympathetic to the child ,who is rebellious in nature .
                             iii.            A teacher should not think about children as problem children .
                             iv.            Teacher should have empathy to solve child’s problem.

Role Of student
 The child has full freedom .
The child should know the existence and convert imperfection into perfection.

Freedom is central to existentialism.  Child has its own personal choice and action. No restriction should laid from outside.

Educational Implications
Child centered education  which is watchword of prevalent educational system .
Child ‘s interest is preferred first and respected in classroom situation.
Curriculum of prevalent educational society not only connects the knowledge of book but also interest area of child.

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