
Saturday 20 July 2024

Role of educational administrator


Role of educational administrator

Institutional plan is prepared at the institution level and is for its own betterment and improvement. Head of the institution is the central figure in any educational effort and be key role in institutional planning the success of any plan can’t be conceived without the head. The truth is that he is the nerve centre round which all school activities revolve. Any plan can succeed only when the head of the institution takes its charge and supports it. In order to have successful implementation of the plan the head of the institution has to play the role in the following ways:

as a leader: Head is the overall in charge of all kind of planning done at institution level. He leads the whole group and assigns duties and responsibilities to others. He also provides guidance where ever needed.

Take initiative for commencement of plan: Any plan starts with will power of head of institution. The staff cooperation can be gained of its own. It is necessary for an efficient administrator to take initiative and display his leadership.

To fix priorities: Plan is based on the needs of the institution. For purpose of surveying the needs of the institution, it is head of the institution who appoints the team of teachers for conducting the surveys. Head of the institution finally decides the priorities and gets the plan prepared from a committee or team of teachers constituted by him.

To access resources and meet the situations: He has to make the assessment of the adequacy of resources that can be made available and of the existing resources for carrying on the plan. He has to meet all situations to carry on the plans successfully. He has the competence to meet out the short comings in the human and material resources as the situation demands.

To take decisions: Head of the institution takes decision and makes selection of the team of the teachers who are capable of performing the work of the project successfully.

To prepare and implement plan: Though he has to seek the help of other teachers for this purpose, but it is the head of the institution who identifies the usefulness of the plan and involvement of teachers for preparing the blue print of the plan under his guidance. Then the proper plans prepared are implemented in the institution by the head.

To provide suitable environment for execution of plan: The school environment plays a vital role on any school programme. Head should pay attention to the essential factors of creating school environment for the success of school development plans.

Execution of plans as per specified stages: Head of the institution should know which tasks have to be completed from beginning to end and what his role is in each stage and what leadership and guidance is needed to the workers.

Arrangement of necessary resources: Head has to arrange the resources required for the execution of the plan; he should provide finance, tools, time, place, etc. in order to illuminate the path of success.

To evaluate the project: The success of institutional planning is estimated through the process of evaluation. Head plays important role in making assessment of the end results of the project. He makes evaluation of the plan when it is in progress and when it has been completed.

Rewards to successful teachers: A teacher who is devoted to the execution of a plan and is giving good results should be accorded recognition and he should be commended by a competent officer and if possible the successful plan should be published so that the other people in educational world can be inspired.

To prepare report: After the institutional plan has been implemented and evaluation made, a record of the whole work done from beginning to end is prepared. Head gets this record prepared as to how school needs were identified what resources were used and how the plan was executed and under whose supervision the execution was carried out. This report is very useful for knowing the difficulties faced and result achieved.

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