Wednesday 17 July 2024




School management is of great importance for the education of child because the school can’t achieve its objectives unless properly managed and administrated. The management of school comprises of many constituents, the rightful utilization and management of which are essential for the progress and for its success.

Therefore, for bringing out school management one must have the clear understanding of the constituents of school management.

Different educationist have identified and suggested many components/constituents, most of which are common.


Luther Gullick, has identified the following constituents of educational management:

1) Planning

2) Organizing

3) Staffing

4) Directing

5) Coordinating

6) Reporting and recording

7) Budgeting




Thinking beforehand about the resources available and the difficulties likely to come in the way of progress of any activity is known as planning. It is working out the broad outline from the beginning to the end of an activity. Good planning yields good results. 

Flexibility in plans provides scope for alterations and modifications for objectives not seen before hand. Educational management is concerned with each kind of management activity associated with the education. If one plans properly and adequately it saves time, money and energy by avoiding repetition, overlapping etc. of the work.


The process or component of educational management envisaging setting up of things and creating suitable environment for the successful completion. It involves organizing of human as well as material equipment. Both of the equipments may to be organized properly and adequately in order to make institution able to function successfully.

Organization is the process of establishing coordination between management and administration. It is the process of coordinating and unifying the process of tasks performed by workers and departments. So organization is basically a group of workers who work together in order to attain specific objectives. This is the system that performs executive role of the management and administration. This is the power which fulfils the responsibilities of the managers and unifies duties.

Some definitions

 Greg: It is the collective execution of tasks by a group of people for the attainment of common goals.

Bernard: The process of coordination of well considered tendencies by two or more people is called organization.

Walton: Group of working people who came together for realization of common aims.



Institution can’t function properly with adequate professionally qualified staff. Management has to serve this function as well by arranging. The professionally qualified staff for school keeping into consideration the requirements. Staff is to assign the duties according to their potential in order to get maximum results out of it.


It is the process of giving guidance for carrying some activities in accordance with the laid down principles. It involves implementation of plans and educational programmes. Directors usually heads of the institution should not make use of his authority alone in giving direction or guidance.


It is the process of removing, eliminating or stopping the interference of one activity with the other. It rather builds harmonious relationship between different activities of the school. Since the school is place where many people work together and large number of activities go on.

There is every possibility of overlapping and duplicacy. Maiming proper control and coordination between time and activity and place will avoid and eliminate such duplicacy and confusion in the institution but lack of proper control of these activities would increase such overlapping and confusion in school which will reduce the efficiency of work.


Every management is fully conscious of the fact that no activity, plan or programme can be carried out without spending money.

It is therefore, necessary for any management to prepare an estimated account of income and expenditure to be incurred on the activity or plan. The school management has to identify the priority areas and then allocate funds proportionate to their requirements. Budgeting is thus very useful for avoiding wasteful spending because the expenditure on less important items is already curtailed at the time of preparing the estimate.

Reporting and recording:

This is the necessary constituents foe assessment of the progress of institution can be made. The clear account of the work done by school is to be recorded and reported. So that loop wholes can be identified, removed and managed properly in future in order to improve the performance of the institution.

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