
Friday 2 September 2022

Identification of cognitive disability and it's assessment


Cognitive Disability (Mental Retardation)



(a)  If the child does not sit unassisted even after 12-15 months.


(b) Or does not walk even after 2½ years.


 (c) Or does not talk even after 2 ½ years.


(d) If a child has undue problems in doing independently any of the following activities by the age of 6 years:

— Eating

— Dressing

— Toilet activity

(e) Problems in holding a pencil/or using a pair of scissors.


(f) Unable to play with a ball or play ‘guilli-danda’ with the peers.


(g) Frequent tantrums, while playing with the peers.


(h) Usual inattentiveness to the spoken speech.


(i) Requires too many repetitions to remember simple things.

(j) Problems in naming even five fruits, vegetables or plants.


(k) Problems in naming the days of the week.


(l) Exhibit problems in expressing the needs in a clear language unlike the other peers.


(m) Unable to concentrate on tasks even for a short period of time.

(n) Inappropriate oral responses.


(o) Difficulty in learning new things.


(p) Poor comprehension of lessons taught in the school class.

(q) Difficulty in learning new things.


(r) Difficulty in conceptualization.


(s) Does not get well along with the children of same age group.


(t) More efforts are required in learning or practicing as compare to the peers.

(u) Takes an unreasonable amount of time in perfecting any work.

(v) Poor academic achievements.

(w) Show an undue dependency on visual clues or material for learning




If the responses to any of the four indicators is positive when compared to the average school going peers of the same age group and class, then the child should be properly assessed by a qualified psychologist or a teacher who is specially trained to taken care of the mentally challenged children.


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