
Tuesday 29 March 2022




Aptitude is a capacity to learn skills and abilities which are necessary for success in a particular area of work.

The word aptitude is derived from the word “aptos” which means ‘fitted for’. Very often words such as ‘potentiality’, ‘capacity’, ‘talent’ etc. are used synonymously with aptitude.

Bingham’s view- Aptitude as “a condition or set of characteristics regarded as symptomatic of an individual‘s ability to acquire with training some knowledge Skill or set of responses, such as ability to speak a language, to produce music and the likes”

Traxler’s view –“An aptitude is a present condition which is indicative of individual’s potentialities for the future.”

Freeman’s view-“An aptitude is combination of characteristics indicative of an individual’s capacity to speak a language, to become musician, to do mechanical work.”


       I.            Abstract – aptitude is not a concert thing. It cannot be weighted.

     II.            Present condition with future reference:-Aptitude is a present condition with future reference. It is indicative of personalities. Understanding of an individual’s aptitude helps us to known what he shall do in future.

  III.            Aptitude has predictive value.-if Geeta has an aptitude for music we mean that her present conditions or ability reveals that if she were to learn music, she will succeed in this line.

  IV.            More than potential ability –Aptitude implies more than potential ability in performance.

    V.            Stabilization of aptitudes-It can be stated that aptitudes stabilize in the early years of life but there is no specific time of demarcation after which is no effect on the formation of aptitudes .Generally it is believed that aptitudes are formed are found up to puberty

  VI.            Independent- Each attitude is independent of the other.

Aptitude is the result of interaction of heredity and environment. An individual is born with certain potentialities. After that, the environment helps or hinders the the expression of these potentialities.


Bingham has categorized aptitudes as follows:

       I.            Aptitude for manual occupation

     II.            Aptitude for skill occupation.

  III.            Aptitude for clerical occupation

  IV.            Aptitude for teaching

    V.            Aptitude for music and art

  VI.            Aptitude for medical profession

VII.            Aptitude for legal profession

VIII.            Aptitude for engineering


The prominent two factors are

       I.            Heredity

     II.            Environment


 It is broadly divided into two categories

Aptitude Test Batteries

Special Aptitude Tests

It is further divided

Clerical Aptitude Test

General Aptitude Test Battery(GATB)

Mechanical Aptitude Test

Differential Attitude Test (DAT)

Aesthetic Aptitude Test


Musical Aptitude Test


 Creating a conducive environment

Providing the ample opportunities to child in their interested area

Organizing co-curricular activities






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