
Friday 11 December 2020




Education is the key to raise inner self of the individuals. It is uniting the nations, bringing human beings closely together. 

    Now a day we are living in the digital era and many parts of the world, civil society suffers because of situations of violent conflicts and war. 

    It is important to inculcate and recognize the crucial role of education in contributing to building a culture of peace. A culture of peace and non-violence goes to the substance of fundamental human rights of the present era.

Meaning of the peace Education:

The highest form of objective for any education is inculcating peace and it is an essential value to be cherished by every individual. 

The father and mother is the first teacher to their children and peace is nurtured in the family. The peace nurtured at home again enhanced at school.

Peace is a broad concept with practical and spiritual connotations.

It can imply a state of inner calm or end of conflict. “Peace is what you think it is (or wants it to be).

 Peace has been understood to mean the absence of conflict or violence and conversely as the presence of states of mind and of society such as harmony, accord, security and understanding.

Peace education is a planning strategy of eliminating the conflicts and violence caused by in justice, inequality and human rights, violations, and implementing the ways and means of reducing the same through appropriate teaching and learning tactics by means of producing responsible global citizen to attain and spread the peace in the world. Therefore peace education is a goal of education.

Definition of the Peace Education:

There is no universally accepted definition for Peace Education. There is good number of definitions available on the basis of different perceptions and approaches. Some of the definitions given by eminent educationists are given below:

Webster defines peace “as a state of quiet or tranquility, freedom from disturbance or agitation, calm repose”.

According to Albert EinsteinPeace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order – in short, of government.


The aim of peace education

  1. Understand global problems
  2. Have the skills to resolve Conflict – Constructively
  3. Know and live by international standards of Human rights, gender and racial equality.
  4. Appreciate cultural diversity
  5. Respect the integrity of the earth

Declaration of the 44th session of the international conference on education held at Geneva in 1994 has listed the following aims of peace education.

  1. To develop sense of universal values in every individual.
  2. To prepare citizens to cope with difficult and uncertain situations and fitting them for personal autonomy and responsibility.
  3. To educate the individual and develop the ability to recognize and accept the values which exist in the diversity of individuals.
  4. To strengthen peace, friendship and solidarity between individuals and people.
  5. To develop the ability of non-violent conflict – resolution among the individuals.
  6. To cultivate the ability to make informed choices, basing their judgments and actions not only on the analysis of present situations and the vision of a preferred future among the individuals.
  7. To teach the citizens to respect the cultural heritage, protect the environment and social harmony.
  8. To cultivate citizens in the line of solidarity feeling and feeling of equity at the national and international levels in the perspectives of a balanced and long-term development.
  9. Therefore, peace education aims at Wide variety of subject. Peace and education are in separable aspects of civilization.
  10. No civilization is truly progressive without education and no education system is truly civilizing unless it is based on the universal principles of peace.Peace education can be taught in formal and informal school setting with following objectives. 
  • To foster changes in order to make the world a better and more humane place.
  • To develop values and skills to assist the students in striving for the fullness of life.
  • To help students develop a rich vision of peace to work for a visible global society.
  • To create constructive behavior for dealing with problems so as to minimize and eliminate conflict.
  • To explore peace both as a state of being and as an active process for the promotion of positive human relations.

Therefore, the peace education is actually a call for an inclusive approach to mutual coexistence and to a holistic way of living

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