
Saturday 28 November 2020



 Art and Aesthetics 
1.1 Aesthetics – as a branch of Philosophy. 
 1.2 Aesthetics – its meaning, dimensions and constituents.
 1.3 Art as a form of Aesthetics.
 1.4 Indian Art and Rasa principle.
 1.5 Importance of Arts in Education


Man is always curious to know 

His origin

his aim

his relationship with God

his destiny etc

 This constant effort of man to understand reality may be termed as philosophy. It is an attempt to unfold life’s mysteries & find in them.

Indian philosophers:

Dr Radhakrishnan- “philosophy is a logical inquiry into the nature of reality”

Cloridge-“Philosophy is the science of sciences”





It is the branch of philosophy which deals with the nature of reality

It relates with questions




1. What is the nature of the universe we live in?

What is ultimate reality?

Is man a body or sprit/

It implies the theory of knowledge

Questions :



What are the sources of true knowledge or

Where do you get knowledge?

How does a man know what is real?

What is true knowledge?

It is the branch of philosophy which deals with the theory of value.




What kinds of things are good?

Whether it is pleasure or happiness or knowledge or moral qualities or self –realization

It is the branch of the philosophy that studies beauty and taste whether in the form of comic the tragic and the sublime.



Sublime means wonderful quality




What is beauty?




Aesthetics – as a branch of Philosophy

 It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art beauty and taste and with the creations or appreciation of beauty

Etymological definitions

Greek (Aisthotikos) that means “perceptions

Perception =sensation+ meaning making

This term was first coined by German philosopher Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten in his book “Aesthetica “


Relation between Aesthetics and Philosophy

Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy which deals the theory of beauty and taste.

·       Aesthetics is come under three transcendental values of philosophy truth, beauty and goodness.

·       Aesthetics is the integral part of philosophy.

·       It can simply state usually looking good. It is usually accomplished by the shape, texture, colour, types of materials, symmetry, simplicity of pattern used in design. Which creates philosophical thoughts and it emerged as an opinion that is looking good or how beautiful it is!

·       Philosophy is the broader prospective of aesthetics.

·       Every aesthetics/perceptions is based on philosophical principles.

Definition of aesthetics

Cambridge dictionary  “the formal study of artespecially in relation to the idea of beauty

John Keats “it is the systematic study in a philosophical way of understanding beauty and its manifestation in art and nature

So he quotes” A thing of beauty joy forever”

Dimensions of aesthetics

1.   The Perceptual Dimensions:-

Perceptual means the process of becoming aware of physical objects, phenomenon etc. through senses

It deals with balance, form and harmony of elements.

2.   The Emotional Dimensions:-

deals with reaction to the emotional content of the work. e.g. happiness anger etc.

3.   The Intellectual Dimensions:-

deals with theoretical or content knowledge aspect.

4.   Communicative Dimensions:-deals about artist, time, culture, through the mediation of the work of art.

Constituents of Aesthetic

Aesthetic experience: - Aesthetics is a discipline concerned with the perception, appreciation, and production of art.

 Aesthetic experiences, such as looking at paintings, listening to music or reading poems, are linked to the perception of external objects.

It deals with two aspects of human potentialities.

1.   Cognitive (knowing aspect) 2. Practical(utility aspects)

Aesthetic objectives:

It deals with making or framing a goal to embellish thing or the work of art eternal, unifying with different charcter.etc


Aesthetic judgments

·       Linguistic expression of our experience and opinion concerning a certain object.

·       It relies in our intellectual emotional level

·       It is critical appreciation of an object that may be an art, painting, beautiful place etc

·       It is influenced by cultural taste and various background and education.

·       A/c to Kant “it is a judgment of taste.”


It deals with the merits and demerits of a particular works of art.


Art is the response of man’s creative soul to the call of the real.” said Rabindranath Tagore.


The expression or application of human creative skill imagination, typically in visual form such as painting, producing work. Art is the grammar of the life. There is an art to everything. There is an art to living ,art to running


The branch of philosophy which deals with questions of beauty and artistic taste

Many questions arise

What is art?

What is an aesthetics experiences?

How can an aesthetic value be distinguished?

How do we define beauty?

How is art to be judged?

So it expresses the appreciations of art .then it will be valued. Then for aesthetics we have to present or make our ideal our thought through art .so art is one of the forms of aesthetics.


1.   Promote creativity-arts allow kids to express themselves better in their own way.

2.   Motor skills –students uses their hand, mind , body parts in the use of art.

3.   Confidence -by mastering the subject students get the confidence

4.   Visual learning-drawing painting and sculpting develops visual spatial knowledge

5.   Decision Making-the arts strengthen problem solving and decision making

How do I express my feeling through my dance? They have to decide

6.   Perseverance-art  makes able to realize the value of hard work

7.   Focus-concentration is the most important skill in art

8.   Collaboration –teamwork cooperation

9.   Accountability




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